Friday, April 9, 2010

Formal Jewelry

Choosing a jewelry piece to go with a formal dress is the most difficult of all. The deliberate effort of being subtle yet beautiful and the consciousness of picking just the right piece make the whole process a tricky path to tread. In such a case, one is always in a dilemma as to whether or not to pick a piece which is looking beautiful since there is a nagging instinct of avoiding gaudy and showy jewelry by all means.
A wrong jewelry piece can very easily devoid you of the grace and suaveness of your complete look, hence, one has to be extra cautious while buying costume jewelry for formal wears. Here are few tips which can come handy while picking up formal jewelry pieces.
Tip 1: The most important thing to remember is that the dress itself is the main attraction hence; the jewelry too needs to be in close co-ordination with the color and design of your dress.
Tip 2: Color of the settings should also be considered while shopping for formal costume jewelry. Silver to yellow gold would go with it but in case of other colors, one needs to check out the various shades and styles of jewelry available and choose a piece accordingly. Rose and white gold are other options which can be tried with formal dresses.